Only For God: Atiku Abubakar And The Divine Mandate For 2027 — By Aare Amerijoye

Former Vice President, Atiku Abubakar


In the annals of human history, there comes a time when a nation must shed the chains of despair and embrace the dawn of destiny. That moment is upon Nigeria. A country battered by poverty, insecurity, and leadership bereft of vision stands at the edge of renewal. For too long, we have mourned—mourned the squandered opportunities, mourned the hollow promises, and mourned the inept leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, whose reign mirrors Saul’s rejection in the pages of scripture.

But the question resounds in the heart of every Nigerian: How long will this mourning endure? How long shall the people languish under the burden of leadership that offers nothing but hardship, empty rhetoric, and dashed hopes?

In 1 Samuel 16:1, God spoke to Samuel:”How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and be on your way; I am sending you to Jesse of Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons to be king.”

Nigeria’s Saul—the present administration—has failed. Like Saul, it was entrusted with the people’s mandate but has proven incapable of delivering. Under Tinubu, the land groans. The economy crumbles, inflation soars, and the youth—the heartbeat of this nation—are stranded in hopelessness. Nigeria cries for salvation, for a leader to carry her weary spirit from the valley of despair to the mountain of prosperity.

That leader is Atiku Abubakar. Like David in the house of Jesse, Atiku is not chosen for the outward display of power or political theatrics. He is chosen because of his substance, his heart, and his readiness to lead. He is not the product of privilege but of providence—tested by time, refined by experience, and commissioned by the people’s cries.

In 1 Samuel 16:7, God reminded Samuel:”Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Atiku Abubakar, a man of the people, carries within him the heart of Nigeria’s dreams—a heart that beats for justice, equity, and progress. He comes not to rule, but to serve; not to divide, but to unite; not to perpetuate poverty, but to lift millions into prosperity.

Under this present leadership, Nigeria has been plunged into economic ruin and social decay—a Saul-like misrule that has left the people yearning for redemption. Yet God, the author of time and the arbiter of destiny, has poured the oil of anointing on Atiku Abubakar.

“Then the Lord said, ‘Rise and anoint him; this is the one.’ So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David.” (1 Samuel 16:12-13)

Atiku’s anointing cannot be thwarted. No rigging, no conspiracy, no political manipulation can halt what God has decreed. Like David, he will overcome the Goliaths of maladministration, insecurity, and economic stagnation that have held this nation captive.

Alexander Dumas once said, “Nothing succeeds like success.” Atiku Abubakar is the embodiment of success through resilience, vision, and determination. Nigeria is tired of recycled failures and leaders who have no answers for the problems they create. The people will rise in 2027—not in anger but in conviction, not with chaos but with ballots—as they reject Saul’s ineptitude and embrace David’s anointing.

How long shall Nigeria mourn under Tinubu’s failed leadership? How long shall the people endure rising poverty and shrinking hope? The time for mourning is over. The oil has been poured; the path has been cleared. Atiku Abubakar is God’s choice to lead Nigeria into prosperity, to restore faith in governance, and to mend a fractured nation.

The winds of change are gathering, fierce and unrelenting. In 2027, the people will rise with one voice, echoing the divine call: “This is the leader we have been waiting for!” Atiku Abubakar is not just a candidate; he is a covenant of hope—a shepherd for a broken land, a David ordained to replace Saul’s rejection with righteous leadership.

Let every hand of ineptitude tremble. Let every voice of manipulation falter. For when God ordains, no mortal power can oppose. Nigeria will rise again, and history will record this moment: “Atiku Abubakar led us to prosperity.”

Atiku Abubakar: The David of Our Time.

Written by Aare Amerijoye DOT.B.

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